Judy Langer is President of Langer Qualitative, LLC. An expert in qualitative research and on lifestyle trends, she previously was Senior Vice President, GfK NOP Qualitative Practice, and headed her firm, Langer Associates. A qualitative researcher for 30+ years, Judy is often published in research publications, including the American Marketing Association's Marketing News and Quirk's Marketing Review, and is a speaker at a number of industry conferences, such as AMA, AAPOR, ESOMAR, QRCA and the MRA. At GfK she did the research for and wrote TrendWhys on consumer lifestyle trends for Roper Reports.
She was a founding member and first president of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association, has served several times on its Board of Directors, and is currently on several of its committees. She has also served on the Board of the American Marketing Association.
Her book, The Mirrored Window: Focus Groups from a Moderator's Point of View, is a practical and opinionated guide to the use of qualitative research. Her BA is from Smith College, MA from Columbia University, both in American government. She has been a guest lecturer at Columbia, Pace and New York Universities on qualitative research.
Judy has conducted research in many product and service categories, both among a wide range consumers and with business professionals in a variety of fields. She moderates focus groups, depth interviews (in-person, phone), and online bulletin boards.